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Healthcare & Telemedicine

With Antrorse Cloud based Electronic medical records System (EMRs) & Electronic health records System (EHRs) hospital have ready access to the latest information like whole range of patient data including basic vitals, medical history, medications, allergies, test results etc. allowing for more coordinated, patient-centered care. As per the specifics of practice, we add and customize functionality to deliver a system that is perfectly suited to cover all needs.
Some of the features we commonly work with are.

  • Medical scheduling
  • Medicine History
  • Charting
  • Handwriting and voice recognition
  • E-prescribing
  • Telemedicine options
  • Patient portals
  • Mobile Applications
  • Wearables
  • HIPAA compliance
  • Billing integration
  • Hosting & Database Management
  • BI, data analytics and reporting
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